Friday, 12 June 2015

Tips Minat Matematik

1. Wujudkan minat dalam matematik walaupun tak

2. Kena Buat Banyak latihan. Matematik adalah latihan
dan latihan adalah matematik. Maksud saya, matematik
adalah satu subjek yang anda perlu buat latihan untuk
menguasainya, bukan membaca. (Ada pelajar yang
belajar matematik dengan hanya membacanya). Saya
berjaya menguasai matematik kerana saya buat latihan.
Semakin banyak latihan saya buat, saya jadi semakin

3. Kena Displin. Matematik adalah matapelajaran yang
memerlukan disiplin. Walaupun anda faham topik
tertentu, anda tidak akan dapat menjawab dalam masa
yang diberikan jika anda tidak mendisiplinkan diri untuk
menjawab soalan matematik. Setiap kali anda berlatih
menjawab soalan matematik, catat masa yang anda
ambil. Selalunya anda ada masa kurang daripada 3 minit
untuk menjawab satu soalan. Jadi, cuba kejar masa itu,
maksud saya, cuba latih menjawab dengan secepat

4. Hafal Sifir. Perlu HAFAL SIFIR! Saya tahu ramai pelajar
yang merungut tentang perkara ini. Ada pelajar tingkatan
lima yang di uji dengan sifir 7 pun tidak lepas. Alasan
mereka, mereka boleh guna mesin kira, mengapa perlu
ingat sifir? Persoalannya ialah, hafal sifir bukan sahaja
untuk mengetahui berapa 5 x 5 dan berapa 12 x 7. Tetapi,
menghafal sifir akan membuat otak anda lebih cepat dan
cekap mengira. Kalau asyik bergantung kepada mesin
kira, daya pemikiran anda akan semakin lemah kerana
tidak ada usaha yang dilakukan oleh otak anda. Lihat
mereka yang handal matematik, pasti mereka cekap juga
dalam sifir.

5. Azam yang kuat untuk Berjaya dan menguasai
matematik. Matematik ialah subjek yang seronok apabila
anda minat dan mula menguasai. Anda akan puas hati
dan paling gembira apabila Berjaya selesai masalah.

Siapa yang pandai matematik ia adalah pintar, Bukan
sahaja bidang matematik sahaja tetapi bidang atau
subjek lain, jika ia pandai matematik.

Thursday, 11 June 2015


Your Study Guides and Strategies starts here!

Reading and research series
SQ3R reading method

SQ3R is a reading strategy formed from its letters:

Survey! Question! Read! Recite! Review!

SQ3R will help you build a framework to understand
your reading assignment.
Before you read, S urvey the chapter:
the title, headings, and subheadings
captions under pictures, charts, graphs or maps
review questions or teacher-made study guides
introductory and concluding paragraphs
Question while you are surveying:
Turn the title, headings, and/or subheadings into
Read questions at the end of the chapters or after each
Ask yourself,
"What did my instructor say about this chapter or
when it was assigned?"
Ask yourself,
"What do I already know about this subject?"
Note: If it is helpful to you, write out these questions
for consideration.
This variation is called SQW3R
When you begin to R ead:
Look for answers to the questions you first raised
Answer questions at the beginning or end of chapters
or study guides
Reread captions under pictures, graphs, etc.
Note all the underlined, italicized, bold printed words
or phrases
Study graphic aids
Reduce your speed for difficult passages
Stop and reread parts which are not clear
Read only a section at a time and recite after each
R ecite after you've read a section:
Orally ask yourself questions about what you have just
read, or summarize, in your own words, what you
Take notes from the text but write the information in
your own words
Underline or highlight important points you've just
The more senses you use the more likely you are to
remember what you read Triple strength learning:
Seeing, saying, hearing
Quadruple strength learning: Seeing , saying , hearing,
R eview: an ongoing process
Day One
After you have read and recited the entire chapter,
write questions in the margins for those points
you have highlighted or underlined.
If you took notes while reciting,
write questions for the notes you have taken
in the left hand margins of your notebook.
Complete the form for a critical reading review
Day Two
Page through the text and/or your notebook to re-
acquaint yourself
with the important points.
Cover the right hand column of your text/note-book
and orally ask yourself the questions in the left hand
Orally recite or write the answers from memory.
Develop mnemonic devices for material which need to
be memorized.
Make flash cards for those questions which give you
Days Three, Four and Five
Alternate between your flash cards and notes and test
(orally or in writing) on the questions you formulated.
Make additional flash cards if necessary.
Using the text and notebook, make a Table of Contents
- list all the topics and sub-topics you need to know
from the chapter.
From the Table of Contents, make a Study Sheet/
Spatial Map.
Recite the information orally and in your own words
as you put the Study Sheet/Map together.
As you have consolidated all the information you need
for this chapter, periodically review the Sheet/Map so
that at test time
you will not have to cram.